Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sowing the seeds - My Starter-Shelf

Living in SoCal is great if you are into gardening: You can basically grow veggies year-round, which is why we constantly keep seeding and planting and seeding and planting.

Being a seed-junky, my sowing got completely out of hand and the seeding-trays where EVERYWHERE with the free-ranging chickens and ducks getting the best of the seedlings. Man, they went to town on these watermelon-babies with the result that I had to get new seeds; not a single seedling left. Our watermelon-lover Aurelia was super upset about this intolerable behaviour.

Then we started stacking the starter-trays on the patio-table. But our chickens can fly. All the way up on the table. Which is why fencing ultimately isn't going to help. Once the plants are bigger, the birds are not so interested anymore. Our chickens are an heirloom breed that is pretty much still a wild bird. They (Splash & Black) fly high and far (saw them fly over me and for over ten yards) and their laying capacity is not very high (100 eggs per bird per year), which is probably why they are a rare breed. I kinda like them; they almost look like a big blackbird. The roo is not a terrible crower, which is why Roberto agreed that 'Black' can stay. YAY!

Back to my seeding: It seemed that the only solution was to fence the starters or bring them back indoors. Indoors semmed savest. But where to put them indoors?

I asked Roberto, whether we could go get a shelf. After some inquisitioning about size and purpose, he declared, he was going to build it for me.

And he did. I love this piece! Love my man!!!!

It has three shelves and each shelf holds four starter-trays. In addition Roberto built a stacking-device for each shelf, doubling capacity, so that I can 'store' up 24 to seeding-trays here. BTW: Each starter-tray holds 48 seedlings.

Needless to say, the shelf is completely full.

What are my seedlings right now?
  • Scarlett Runner Beans (two trays)
  • Mexican Valerian
  • Lettuce (two trays)
  • Arugula
  • Peas (two trays)
  • Cornflowers
  • Edamame (two trays)
  • Buckwheat (four trays)
  • Sweet Corn
  • Pepper (two varieties)
  • Jalapeno
  • Tomatoes (two kinds)
  • Cherry Tomatoes (two kinds)
  • Watermelon
  • Radishes
  • Lupine (Soil-Fixer)
  • Purple Basil
  • Eggplant
  • Birdhouse Gourd (some craft projects for the kiddies)
  • Calendula
  • Carrots (two trays)
  • Amaranth
  • Hyssop
  • Anise

"Nature never says one thing and wisdom another." Decimus Junius Juvenalis

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